Aristaeus Sjadarwesfv
Name: Aristaeus Sjadarwesfv
Aliases: Aris, 'The Blind Minstrel', Ari, 'The Sightless Oni', Kyanite, 'Dreamsong'.
Age: Fucking old
Height: 5'6-5'7
Gender: Male (Intersexed)
Race: Veena Viera
Sexuality: Pansexual (Masc-leaning)
Classes: Bard/Reaper. Still learning and training in pictomancy.
Occupation: Former Ascian. Now a travelling bard and courtesan.
Weapon: Etesian, the shape-shifting bow.Personality: Melancholic, sorrowful, artistic, smug, flirtatious, willful, ponderous, curious.Biography:
Aristaeus is blind physically but is able to 'see' with a peculiar type of aethersight. He registers aetheric traces, signatures and aura of people but when it comes to physical visuals (e.g. text, images, appearance of someone, etc), he is unable to see them at all. Aristaeus was a musician, courtesan and entertainer for eons.As a bard, Aristaeus is good at playing the drums, harp, piano, lute and flute. He is a master at opera singing and enjoys performing music for others. Now, as a retired Ascian, Aristaeus journeys around Etheirys with his music and seeks to entertain others.Aristaeus has the power of voice that enables him to weaponize his voice and songs to inflict either pain or pleasure or psychologically influence people's minds. His voice is as alluring as it is dangerous.

Aristaeus' voice claim/singing voices:
All artworks are done by me unless stated otherwise. Please do not use my art.

Hooks and Rumors
- Your character might have heard of the blind minstrel who has a rather memorable, resonating baritone voice. His songs might have inspired you to seek him out.- There are rumors of a blindfolded Ascian who has been travelling alone, forlorn and despairing after the Convocation of Fourteen were defeated.- Your character might have met Aristaeus when he was servicing as a courtesan in Kugane and Ishgard. His songs and performances have entertained many clients.- Your character was once a victim of black-masked Ascians. Aristaeus might have been one of them...?- Your character might have been a hero who has been hunting down and pursuing black-masked Ascians. Aristaeus might have been a bounty target.- You have a cat-like voidsent who might know his void avatar, Autonoë.Rumours
"There's a suspicious hooded guy wandering near the village. Do you think he's one of those... weird cultist guys or those whatever those 'Ascians' are? He's bad news." - Overheard from a villager."The Blind Minstrel? Yeah, I heard of that guy. He's got this lovely alluring voice that you can't seem to get it out of your head. His songs are stuck in my head for weeks!" - Overheard from an Ishgardian patron."He looks really sad and rueful. I have seen him walked across the snowy landscape of Coerthas, as if he was searching for someone or something." - Overheard from a Temple Knight."Oh, he has this really cute adorable siamese cat that keeps following him around and leading him to places like a guide dog! The cat seems... unusually intelligent though." - Overheard from a citizen of Ul'dah.InterestsLikes: Music, beekeeping, aether manipulation, scribing and reading braille books, dancing, opera singing, theatre performances, fighting, sex, dangerous endeavours, researching, creation magicks, archery, swordsmanship, interesting intellectual people, cats, accommodations for the visually impaired, Lahabrea.Dislikes: People trying to remove his blindfold, disrespectful, rude people, people who are insensitive towards the blind, insults against Lahabrea.
OOC Info
Server: Coeurl, Crystal DC
Availability: Quite scarce ;-; But usually I'm on during EST weekend evenings and mornings.
Player info: I'm a RPer in my thirties. I work as an artist and teacher as my day job! He/him only pronouns.
I prefer in-game RP generally. I can do discord RP but it will be super, super slow.
Favourite RP types:
I looooove DARK RP plots, especially ones with horror and psychological elements. I also do tavern RP, adventure RP and free roaming World RP. I'm also super into overarching story plots.While romance is an option for Aristaeus, I would like players to understand that Aristaeus is sexually open relationship kind of character. Romantically, he can be either monogamous, polyamorous or open depending on who has successfully romanced him. This is something to consider about. I also prefer slow burn for romances. If there is no chemistry between characters, I prefer not to force it.- No IC/OOC blending. What Aristaeus thinks and acts IC does not mean I feel the same way OOC.
- No metagaming, no permadeath and no powergaming please.
- OOC communication is important.
- I believe in respecting boundaries and open communication.
- Generally, I am open-minded and accepting of characters who are slightly lore deviated, as long as their existence is plausible in the world of FFXIV.
- I do not do AUs and prefer to follow current canon happenings.
Relationships and Bonds
Romantic Partners
Casual lovers
Best friend
Friends with benefits
Hades, Hikaru
Close friends
Good friends
Moonstone, Diamond.
Quanta staff, Mystic Materia Oasis staff, Breath of Senju Clan
Altanai, Rin, Artemis, Perhi, Valryn, Rathor, Ljrn, Kiana, Lericho, Osiris, Theodore.
Ignis, Soren, Soka, Lazne, Amaris, Jinro, Voltaire, Collins, Sylas, Captain Silver, Inti, Ashe, Natsumi, Amarei, Alastor, Atlas, Luna, Seraph, Aiden, Cyrille, Raizo, Ay'rees, Kehda, Vigo, Alexander Shimizu, Mint, Seraphina, Kaz, Kyuhiko, Istanya, Lialah, Silas, Vanitas, Mikuri, Streh, Shaluna, Syndae'sae, Cayden, Ganon, Dusk, Gybalona.Frenemies
Clan Kuroborei

Here's Aristaeus' kink list! Please click on it for full view. Communication and ooc consent are very important to me so please do talk to me if you have any limits. Additionally, Aristaeus is an intersexed male with a functioning penis and vagina, allowing him to procreate in both ways.Aristaeus' safeword is 'Heartflower'.

Aristaeus' Abilities
As a bard, Aristaeus is capable of manipulating music and weave aether into his songs to inspire people and strengthen them. He is capable of archery through his soulsight, despite being blind. He was mentored in bardic and soulseer skills by his father back in the days of eld.Reaper
In his long immortal life, Aristaeus had learned and studied the ways of the Reaper from the olden days of Garlemald. He tapped into the powers of the Void and formed a pact with an old voidsent friend named Autonoë.Pictomancer (In-Training)
Aristaeus is still a pictomancer in training. He's been learning pictomancy from experienced pictomancers in Sharlayan. Despite being blind, his soulsight is able to pick up aetherhues and perceive muses painted by pictomancers which delights Aristaeus immensely! Hence, Aristaeus has decided to dedicate time to mastering pictomancy.
Etesian the Shape-shifting White Cane
Aristaeus' main weapon is a semi-sentient shapeshifting weapon called the Etesian which can shapeshift into a bow, a sword, a dagger, a staff, a scythe, pictomancer weapons or any enchanted musical instruments of his choosing. Currently, she takes form as his blind man's white cane while he uses her to navigate places. The Etesian goes by she/her pronouns.She was created by Aristaeus' father, his various mentors and Lahabrea to aid and protect Aristaeus. The Etesian possesses dark and light aether in her make. In her true form, she is an amorphous weapon that has thousands of tendrils and stars within her body of liquid darkness.
Void Avatar

Autonoë the Voidsent Cat
Aristaeus' void avatar is Autonoë the Voidsent Cat. When Aristaeus taps into his reaper powers, Autonoë lends her Void magicks and strength to Aristaeus. When she Enshrouds Aristaeus, she amplifies Aristaeus' powers and durability while he takes on a more monstrous form of stars, claws and serpents.When Autonoë was a kitten, she was caught in the Flood of Darkness where she was on the brink of death. Saved by Aristaeus who took pity on the little kitten at that time, she survived and became a voidsent. Many centuries later, Aristaeus would return to make a pact with Autonoë as Reaper and Void avatar.Autonoë is a beautiful voidsent feline with a body made of darkness, stars and constellations which seemed ever-shifting and shimmering as if galaxies exist within her. Her eyes are bright blue with a blinded left eye. She has multiple prehensile tails and three living serpents that are also part of her tails. The serpents are not separate entities but all extensions of her. When bitten by one of her serpentine 'tails', an immensely painful venom would be injected into her victim's flesh. Autonoë is capable of unleashing her own Void magicks and feasting on copious amount of aether as sustenance.When Autonoë walks among mortals, she disguises herself as a siamese cat or an Abyssinian cat. She is only as big as a small-sized adult cat.Autonoë's AbilitiesEnshroud and Connected to Master - Autonoë enshrouds Aristaeus as his vessel serves as a host for Autonoë. In his Enshroud form, he turns into an eldritch-like, monstrous entity of powerful void abilities. Enshroud also augments Aristaeus' present abilities and strength. She and Aristaeus are connected to each other as void avatar and host.Techno-telepathy - Autonoë is capable of linking herself to aetheric-based technology and networks, such as linkshells, Allag devices, etc. She is able to 'speak' to technology through her unique aetheric abilities.Void Levin, Void magicks and Dark elemental magicks - As a fifth rung voidsent, Autonoë has access to dark/voidal magicks and spells. She is able to electrify people with her void levin capabilities.Aligned with the Stars/Constellation - Coupled with her feline instincts, Autonoë has affinity with the stars to sense and predict danger. Unfortunately, she's not very good at communicating it because cat. The constellations on her body shift to warn or foretell omens.Tails of Serpents - Autonoë has a bundle of prehensile tails and serpents that can shapeshift, grab and attack her foes. The serpents on her tail attack by biting and envenoming their victims.Aether Vampire - Like all voidsents, Autonoë loves feasting on aether as sustenance, preferably from live victims. But you know, cat treats are also okay too.Adorable - She's a cute void cat.
The Power of Voice: Aristaeus was born with the power of voice that enables him to allure and seduce people when sung, and induce pain and nightmares when he screams. His voice was further augmented by his mentor, Lahabrea, bestowing him the power to subjugate eikons and dragons through his singing. He is also able to channel his voice into sonic attacks to push back foes, shatter and quake environments and herald suffering. Additionally, Aristaeus is able to influence minds and control them to a degree with his singing voice.Ascian Abilities: As an Ascian, Aristaeus possesses a dark version of 'Echo', enabling him to body-hop, possess various vessels when he 'dies' and return to the Rift to recuperate and recharge. He is able to create portals to travel across reflections and manifest dark-aspected abilities. His knowledge of the eld is extensive due to his ancient roots. Being an Ascian means he is tempered by Zodiark, thus immune to any other eikon's tempering. He is also capable of aether vampirism as an Ascian, and has higher constitution and healing regeneration rate than mere mortals.Soulsight/Aethersight: Even though Aristaeus is physically blind, he is able to perceive aether and souls through soulsight, as well as searching for weaknesses in aether.Bardic skills and archery: Aristaeus is a talented bard with extraordinary skills in composing songs, singing and playing instruments. Coupled with his Power of Voice, Aristaeus is a force to be reckoned with as a bard. He can augment his allies with his singing and music or weaken foes with his songs. As a bard, Aristaeus uses his soulsight to pinpoint weaknesses in someone's soul and has great accuracy with the bow and arrow... Provided, he is not hindered by obstacles that he cannot see.Swordsmanship and weapon skills: Aristaeus is apt with swordfighting and battling with the scythe. He is also skilled in close-range combat with a combat knife.Void Magicks and Reaping: As a reaper, Aristaeus is able to tap into the powers of the Void and be Enshrouded by his void avatar to augment his strength.Pictomancer-in-training: Aristaeus is still a novice in pictomancy. He can paint a few muses, such as deadly bees, moogles, different elements in aetherhues, claws and serpents, to weave into his attacks.Dark, Fire and Water Magicks: As a disciple of Lahabrea and an Ascian, Aristaeus is capable of wielding dark, fire and water magick spells.Words of Lahabrea and Phantomology: Once a upon a time, Aristaeus was a disciple in the Words of Lahabrea and was pretty good at creation magicks. However, he has lost his creation magicks after the Sundering. Yet, he still retains a lot of knowledge on phantomology and creation magicks.
- Power of Voice and music
Aristaeus is good at singing and weaponizing his music with the Power of Voice which he has been blessed with since birth and surgically augmented by Lahabrea.- Soulsight
Despite being physically blind, his soulsight is strong and enables him to perceive people's aether and soul without fail. Another innate talent he possesses since birth. However, it is only limited to perceiving living beings and objects that are heavily aether-infused, such as aetheric inks and pictomancy art.- Charisma and Intellectual
Aristaeus is charming, seductive and can be persuasive with the power of his voice. His playful, curious and intellectual personality lends well to his charismatic ways. As an Ascian of the eld, Aristaeus possesses high intellect and knowledge from his many years of experience and education over many lifetimes.
- Physical blindness
Born blind, Aristaeus is born with ocular deformity. He is missing a left eye and his right eye is completely deformed. Thus, he is unable to see physical appearances and non-aetheric objects.- Auracite
As an Ascian, auracites are his kryptonite. When auracites are used on him, his soul can be easily trapped within the auracite by the wielder. Auracites also weaken him when pierced into his flesh.- The Light! It Burns!
As an Ascian with primarily dark aether, Aristaeus is weak to Light aether. A powerful blast of Light magick could easily sear his soul and scar him badly.- Pride/Hubris
Hubris can be Aristaeus' downfall when he gets too overconfident and arrogant of his victories and gains. After all, he is proud of being an Ascian. There are times he believes himself as someone much more superior than mortal beings... This could lead to his demise at times.- Enamored, Loneliness and Obsession
Aristaeus is deeply enamored by Lahabrea and can be obsessed with a certain person if he finds himself quite taken by them. He would go through great lengths for them, even sacrificing himself in the process or making foolish mistakes that he normally would not. His loneliness also drives him to do things out of desperation to curb the agony, such as indulging in unhealthy vices, mindless sex and drug consumption.
Ever since the death of Lahabrea, Aristaeus has been aimless and in great despair and grief. He has trouble finding goals in the long-term, easily influenced by more authoritative figures who have strong ambitions and goals. Currently, he is simply trying to survive and protect Etheirys from further harm and apocalyptic disasters.In terms of short-term goals, Aristaeus is trying to hunt down a Yakuza lord who had kidnapped his current vessel in the past and forced him to work in a brothel as a form of revenge. Moreover, he is also hunting down several wayward fellow ascians who are making attempts to create Blasphemies and recreate the Final Days. Aristaeus strives to serve his employers well and better their businesses.Aristaeus is a knowledge seeker. Besides survival, he longs to continue learning more about the world as time goes by and observe mankind, whether good or bad. Additionally, he hopes to preserve the knowledge and culture of the Ancients/Ascians so the world would remember them.Lastly, Aristaeus hopes to master pictomancy as they are the only visual forms that he can perceive and weaponize with his soulsight.