Aristaeus Sjadarwesfv

Name: Aristaeus Sjadarwesfv
Aliases: Aris, 'The Blind Minstrel', Ari, 'The Sightless Oni', Kyanite, 'Dreamsong'.
Age: Fucking old
Height: 5'6-5'7
Gender: Male (Intersexed)
Race: Veena Viera
Sexuality: Pansexual (Masc-leaning)
Classes: Bard/Reaper. Still learning and training in pictomancy.
Occupation: Former Ascian. Now a travelling bard and courtesan.
Weapon: Etesian, the shape-shifting bow.
Personality: Melancholic, sorrowful, artistic, smug, flirtatious, willful, ponderous, curious.Biography:
Aristaeus is blind physically but is able to 'see' with a peculiar type of aethersight. He registers aetheric traces, signatures and aura of people but when it comes to physical visuals (e.g. text, images, appearance of someone, etc), he is unable to see them at all. Aristaeus was a musician, courtesan and entertainer for eons.
As a bard, Aristaeus is good at playing the drums, harp, piano, lute and flute. He is a master at opera singing and enjoys performing music for others. Now, as a retired Ascian, Aristaeus journeys around Etheirys with his music and seeks to entertain others.Aristaeus has the power of voice that enables him to weaponize his voice and songs to inflict either pain or pleasure or psychologically influence people's minds. His voice is as alluring as it is dangerous.

Aristaeus' voice claim/singing voices:

All artworks are done by me unless stated otherwise. Please do not use my art.

Hooks and Rumors

- Your character might have heard of the blind minstrel who has a rather memorable, resonating baritone voice. His songs might have inspired you to seek him out.
- There are rumors of a blindfolded Ascian who has been travelling alone, forlorn and despairing after the Convocation of Fourteen were defeated.- Your character might have met Aristaeus when he was servicing as a courtesan in Kugane and Ishgard. His songs and performances have entertained many clients.- Your character was once a victim of black-masked Ascians. Aristaeus might have been one of them...?- Your character might have been a hero who has been hunting down and pursuing black-masked Ascians. Aristaeus might have been a bounty target.Rumours
"There's a suspicious hooded guy wandering near the village. Do you think he's one of those... weird cultist guys or those whatever those 'Ascians' are? He's bad news." - Overheard from a villager.
"The Blind Minstrel? Yeah, I heard of that guy. He's got this lovely alluring voice that you can't seem to get it out of your head. His songs are stuck in my head for weeks!" - Overheard from an Ishgardian patron."He looks really sad and rueful. I have seen him walked across the snowy landscape of Coerthas, as if he was searching for someone or something." - Overheard from a Temple Knight.InterestsLikes: Music, beekeeping, aether manipulation, scribing and reading braille books, dancing, opera singing, theatre performances, fighting, sex, dangerous endeavours, researching, creation magicks, archery, swordsmanship, interesting intellectual people, cats, accommodations for the visually impaired, Lahabrea.Dislikes: People trying to remove his blindfold, disrespectful, rude people, people who are insensitive towards the blind, insults against Lahabrea.

OOC Info

Server: Coeurl, Crystal DC
Availability: Quite scarce ;-; But usually I'm on during EST weekend evenings and mornings.
Player info: I'm a RPer in my thirties. I work as an artist and teacher as my day job! He/him only pronouns.
I prefer in-game RP generally. I can do discord RP but it will be super, super slow.
Favourite RP types:
I looooove DARK RP plots, especially ones with horror and psychological elements. I also do tavern RP, adventure RP and free roaming World RP. I'm also super into overarching story plots.
While romance is an option for Aristaeus, I would like players to understand that Aristaeus is sexually open relationship kind of character. Romantically, he can be either monogamous, polyamorous or open depending on who has successfully romanced him. This is something to consider about. I also prefer slow burn for romances. If there is no chemistry between characters, I prefer not to force it.- No IC/OOC blending. What Aristaeus thinks and acts IC does not mean I feel the same way OOC.
- No metagaming, no permadeath and no powergaming please.
- OOC communication is important.
- I believe in respecting boundaries and open communication.
- Generally, I am open-minded and accepting of characters who are slightly lore deviated, as long as their existence is plausible in the world of FFXIV.
- I do not do AUs and prefer to follow current canon happenings.

Relationships and Bonds

Romantic Partners
Casual lovers
Friends with benefits
Osiris, Hades Moonveil, Ljrn
Close friends
Good friends
Poison, Nightshade, Ruby, Moonstone, Diamond.
Quanta staff
Altanai, Rin, Artemis, Perhi, Valryn, Rathor,
Ignis, Soren, Soka, Lazne, Amaris, Jinro, Voltaire, Collins, Sylas, Captain Silver, Inti, Ashe, Natsumi, Amarei, Alastor, Atlas, Luna, Seraph, Aiden, Cyrille, Raizo, Lericho, Ay'rees, Kehda, Vigo, Alexander Shimizu, Mint, Seraphina, Kaz, Kyuhiko, Istanya, Lialah, Silas, Vanitas, Mikuri.
Clan Kuroborei


Here's Aristaeus' kink list! Please click on it for full view. Communication and ooc consent are very important to me so please do talk to me if you have any limits. Additionally, Aristaeus is an intersexed male with a functioning penis and vagina, allowing him to procreate in both ways.Aristaeus' safeword is 'Heartflower'.